Version 2.1.0


UF Brain Recording and Analysis Visualization Online (BRAVO) Platform Version 2.1.0-alpha will be focused on the Imaging pipelines and Adaptive DBS configurations. Changes made to v2.0.0 will be outlined in the following Major Changes or Minor Changes section.

Major Changes

1. Use of Simple JWT instead of DjangoRestKnox package

Use of Simple JSON Web Token (JWT) makes authentication check easier than the less adjustable DjangoRestKnox package. Modification using JWT will lead to a database change and database update is required.

With JWT, a constant Watchdog Application will be running in background to handle token refresh.

2. Data Upload Pipeline Modification

Instead of a one-file-at-a-time upload/process pipeline implemented in 1.0 and 2.0, the new upload pipeline utilized a processing-queue procedure. Batch upload of all files will be stored in the cache location and a processing queue object will be created in database. A background cron-task will be running periodically to check the queue to see which file need to be processed. This modification will allow less wait time for users and avoid website update interruptions.

3. Therapy History object Updated with adaptive DBS

With new aDBS feature available on the Medtronic Percept Device, data processing pipeline is updated with new code to extract important parameters from aDBS setups, including Threshold, Ramping, and Bypass parameters. This information will be displayed in Therapy History page, and the aDBS performance will be displayed in Chronic BrainSense page.

Due to the change in object, user will need to refresh TherapyHistory object using script.

4. Therapy History object Updated with adaptive DBS

With new aDBS feature available on the Medtronic Percept Device, data processing pipeline is updated with new code to extract important parameters from aDBS setups, including Threshold, Ramping, and Bypass parameters.

This information will be displayed in Therapy History page, and the aDBS performance will be displayed in Chronic BrainSense page.

5. Experimental Analysis Page are now Dynamically Populated

To further help modular development of customized analysis scripts, we implemented procedure that add Experimental analysis page to the Patient Overview Page by creating a route.js descriptor in each Experimental page.

The client frontend now actively search for folders inside “Experimental” folder and populate design and route information using the route.js descriptor. Now user can share customized analysis to each other by simply adding new view folders to the Experimental folder without interfereing with main developmen pipeline.

6. Data Sharing Pipeline

Previously in 1.0 BRAVO_SSR, the admin can choose patients/recordings to share with others. Here, we re-implemented the process with modification to the one-time access code. Any user can manually select patients to be shared in deidentified condition. The receiver can view all data available at the time of sharing but cannot edit.

Minor Changes

1. DatabaseManager can merge multiple patients into one

In the event that new device has a wrong patient name, and the automatic processing script failed to recognize them as the same patient, 2 separate patient entries will be created. Now user can simply obtain the deidnetification id from both instances and merge them using script.

2. Custom Name can be added to electrodes.

Some patients may have bilateral DBS device, and Medtronic Percept device force users to utilize the “Left/Right” nomenclature, leading to sometime the Hemisphere definition does not match the real hemisphere definition anatomically. We allow custom name editing to ensure that the display name is accurate if the user define the electrode location manually.