Online 3D Renderer Documentation


The online 3D renderer are a collection of functions created to generate 3D brain scene for electrode/targeting rendering. The method documentations may not be clear as to what is available in the Online 3D Renderer, primarily because not every capability is written into a function and organized into a Javascript Class like PlotlyWrapper.

In this section, I will document the workflow of how the 3D renderer works.

Step 1 - Environment

The 3D scene is made of background and lighting system. Most environmental components are added in the scene statically in Canvas component of the ImageVisualization Page.

By default, 2 hemisphereLight were added at positive and negative Y position. 2 directional shadowLight are added at (-X,-Y,-Z) and (+X,+Y,+Z) position. Location, distance, and color of the light can be adjusted based on your need programmatically but not dynamically at the moment.

The CameraController() is a wrapper for OrbitControls object. This is the most common control system for imaging related views. There are many other control available and you should choose what fit best for your use case (examples).

Step 2 - Available Models Retrival

The 3D renderer’s first step is to query available image models through APIs.Queries.QueryImageModelDirectory() API. The API will return a dictionary that defines the available models and pre-loaded models. An example of a typical return will looks like the following:

  "descriptor": {
    "LEFT_CM_11.stl": {
      "color": "#FFFF00"
    "RIGHT_CM_11.stl": {
      "color": "#FF0000"
    "lh_FLAIR_pial.stl": {
      "color": "#FFFFFF"
    "Medtronic_B33015": {
      "color": "#0000FF",
      "targetPoint": [0,20,0],
      "entryPoint": [20,40,50]
  "availableModels": [
      "file": "CL_L.pts",
      "type": "points",
      "mode": "single"
      "file": "CL_R.pts",
      "type": "points",
      "mode": "single"
      "file": "LEFT_CM_11.stl",
      "type": "stl",
      "mode": "single"
      "file": "RIGHT_CM_11.stl",
      "type": "stl",
      "mode": "single"
      "file": "lh_FLAIR_pial.stl",
      "type": "stl",
      "mode": "single"
      "file": "Medtronic_B33015",
      "type": "electrode",
      "mode": "multiple"

The descriptor dictionary define a list of image models that should be pre-loaded in the 3D brain scene initially. The availableModels list define a list of image models available in the patient imaging folder.

Step 3 - Load Image Models

To load image not pre-loaded, user may use retrieveModels() function from callbacks. This will initiate APIs.Queries.QueryImageModel() API and retrieve the raw data from server.

Once the raw data is retrieved, the frontend will attempt to turn the model into usable Three.js component using combination of React-Three-Fiber wrapper and raw Three.js functions. Three.js is one of the most popular javascript library for 3D computer graphics using WebGL. Checkout their library of demos to see what you can do with Three.js at Example Page.

Our renderer tap into the Three.js functionality to generate 3D STL models as a simple 3D mesh with bufferGeometry using the Model() function.

Similarly, a tractography object is Three.js line object with connected points using Line object with bufferGeometry using the Tractography() function.

Step 4 - Model Transformation

Patient specific models usually require 3D transformation to fit patient’s brain space. Since STL object itself contain X-Y-Z coordinate of the vertices, these models doesn’t require transformation at the renderer level. In addition, STL models don’t usually changes as often, and if it did change it will more likely to be a nonlinear transformation. Such changes are easier to be generated on the server side instead of on the renderer side.

The only model that currently allow dynamic regeneration is “Electrode” model. The computeElectrodePlacement() function will take in a target point and an entry point to generate a linear affined 3D matrix to be applied to the electrode model to dynamically adjust display. This function is in place because users can attempt different targeting trajectory to observe electrode’s position and relationship to other tracts or atlases.

The math behind computeElectrodePlacement() is simple. We compute directional vector from target point to entry point, this is our K-vector. Then we compute a random point in space to form a temporary line, cross product between temporary vector and K-vector will provide an orthogonal vector to K-vector, which is later named as I-vector. Cross product between I-vector and K-vector will produce 3rd orthogonal vector, the J-vector. Utilizing the I-J-K vector with origin, we can compute affine 3D transformation by performing inverse multiplication between I-J-K vector and original I-J-K vector from model.


retrieveModels(directory, item, color)

Wrapper for retriving models from UF BRAVO Platform Backend Server.

  • directory (string()) – Directory that store the model. Typically the Patient ID.

  • item (Object()) – The model object that describe the available models in the server.

  • color (string()) – Hex-encoded color string to force model into specific colors.


Array.<Object> – Array of controllable items that contain both data and description of the model downloaded.


Parse Binary STL file into Three.js BufferAttribute

  • data (bufferArray()) – Raw STL binary buffer


Object – Dictionary {position, normal, color} containing Three.js BufferAttribute of vertices position, normal vector, and color (if available in STL)


Return Identity Matrix for Transformation.


THREE.Matrix4 – Identity Matrix where diagonal of the matrix are 1 and everywhere else 0.

computeElectrodePlacement(targetPts, entryPts)

Compute Affine Matrix to transform electrode model to patient-specific electrode location

  • targetPts (Array.) – 3-dimensional point value in brain space for tip of electrode

  • entryPts (Array.) – 3-dimensional point value in brain space for any point along the trajectory above tip


THREE.Matrix4 – Affine matrix that defines 3D transformation of the electrode model.

rgbaToHex(r, g, b)

Convert Byte-size R/G/B values to hex color string.

  • r (number()) – number of rows in subplot grid

  • g (number()) – number of columns in subplot grid

  • b (number()) – number of columns in subplot grid


string – Hex encoded RGB value in format of RRGGBB (without #).

Renderer Components

Model(geometry, material, matrix)

Wrapper for creating a mesh from buffer geometry

  • geometry (Object()) – position and normal vectors from STL loader.

  • material (Object()) – material parameters, include substate like opacity, color, specular, and shininess

  • matrix (THREE.Matrix4()) – Transformation matrix for the mesh object.


mesh – Mesh object to be rendered.

Tractography(pointArray, color, linewidth, matrix)

Wrapper for creating a line from buffer geometry

  • pointArray (Array.) – Array of connected points in 3D space.

  • color (string()) – Hex-encoded color string

  • linewidth (number()) – Currently linewidth is useless on browser due to WebGL limitation

  • matrix (THREE.Matrix4()) – Transformation matrix for the mesh object.


line – Line object to be rendered.


Wrapping Camera Controller from React-three/drei library. The default min distance is 20 and max distance 500. Not dynamically adjustable but can be manually adjusted in the source code.

Initial camera position is always looking at origin from -X position (Left lateral direction looking at Brain).

  • cameraLock (boolean()) – Whether camera will be locked or not.


null|OrbitControls – either null if camera is locked or OrbitControls object if camera is available